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10-minute team-bonding activities for the workplace

Written by Conor Duffy | 25-Jul-2024 10:37:26

Let's face it, finding time for team bonding in the middle of a busy workday can feel pretty impossible. But here's the good news: even a few minutes of bonding can make a big difference. Which surely you’ve got time for, right?

We've pulled together a bunch of fun icebreakers for team meetings that fit right into your schedule and help build stronger connections within your team. Whether your team is together in person or working remotely, these activities offer a refreshing change of pace that fosters a sense of camaraderie and helps everyone feel more united.

What are the benefits of quick bonding sessions?

Small investments bring big returns 

Even short team-building exercises can work wonders for your team. They break down barriers and open up communication, raise morale with quick breaks from work and strengthen collaboration skills for when it's time to tackle those big projects.

Strengthened bonds and increased productivity 

By weaving these ten-minute bonding ideas into your team's routine, you'll create a more cohesive team with higher productivity and happier employees. Although quick, each activity helps to build a stronger, closer-knit team.

Ready to see a real change in your team? Start incorporating these bonding ideas and watch your team become more connected in just ten minutes a day.


Ten-minute bonding ideas for teams

Two truths and a lie

This classic icebreaker is a great way to get to know your colleagues better. It takes little to no planning and is a quick and enjoyable way to kick off a meeting or team huddle. It’s simple: ask each person to take a turn sharing two true facts about themselves and one that’s made up. Once all the statements have been read out, it’s then down to the rest of the group to guess which statement is the lie. It's a good way to spark conversation, uncover hidden talents and maybe even learn a few surprising things about your coworkers.

Rapid-fire question round

Take turns asking each team member a random, unexpected question. Keep the pace lively to encourage spontaneous answers and create a lively atmosphere.

Here are some sample questions to get you started:

  • "If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?"
  • "What's the most embarrassing song on your playlist?"
  • "If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?"
  • "What's your go-to karaoke song?"
  • "What's your hidden talent?"

Idea speed dating 

Team members pair up and have one minute to share an idea, project or problem they're working on. After the minute is up, they switch partners and repeat the process. This exercise not only helps to generate a variety of perspectives and solutions – it also nurtures connections between colleagues who may not normally interact.

Emoji story 

Divide into groups and provide each with a set of random emojis. Teams have a set time to create a story using the emojis as prompts before presenting their narratives to the group. This activity encourages out-of-the-box thinking, communication and a shared sense of humour.

Desk yoga 

And relax. Take a short break to refresh and re-energise with a quick yoga or stretching session. This can easily be done right at your desk and is a great way to alleviate stress and improve posture. If your team is remote, lead the session via video conferencing for a shared experience. This can help everyone feel more relaxed and focused, ready to tackle the rest of the workday.

The compliment train 

Each team member takes a turn offering a genuine compliment to a colleague. This could be about their work ethic, a recent accomplishment, a personality trait or anything else positive that comes to mind. The compliments keep rolling along, creating a chain reaction of goodwill and boosting overall morale within the team.

Virtual coffee breaks 

For remote teams, take a 10-minute break to connect over a cup of coffee and a video chat. It's a chance to catch up on non-work topics, share a laugh and build camaraderie from afar. Think of it as the online version of a water cooler chat – a way to maintain team spirit and connection even when working from different locations.



Trivia time 

Inject some energy and excitement into your workday with a quick round of trivia. Keep it lighthearted and entertaining by choosing a theme related to your work, industry or general knowledge. Divide into teams or compete individually to see who knows the most. This is a great way to encourage friendly competition, promote collaboration and learn new things as a team.

Quick sketch round 

Pick a theme (like ‘summer holiday’, ‘favourite food’ or even ‘our company culture’) and give everyone a few minutes to sketch a quick drawing related to it. Then, take turns sharing your masterpieces with the group. This lighthearted activity encourages self-expression and helps everyone see things from a different perspective.

Silent line-up 

Challenge your team to line up according to their birthdays, tenure at the company, or any other chosen criteria – all without saying a word! This nonverbal communication exercise encourages creative problem-solving and teamwork as your colleagues figure out how to organise themselves using gestures, signals and other nonverbal cues.

Keep the balloons up

Everyone works together to keep multiple balloons up in the air, bouncing them around the room without letting them touch the ground. What’s the catch? No hands allowed! This challenge encourages collaboration, quick thinking and lots of laughter.

Who am I?

Each team member writes the name of a famous person on a sticky note and places it on their forehead without looking. They then take turns asking yes-or-no questions to the rest of the group to try to figure out their secret identity. For remote teams, this can be adapted by using virtual backgrounds or profile pictures of famous people. It's a lighthearted way to encourage interaction and problem-solving skills while having a bit of fun.

Would you rather?

Pose a series of thought-provoking dilemmas – from silly to serious – and let everyone share their choices and reasoning. This activity works well in person or remotely and can inspire lively debates, unexpected insights and a deeper understanding of each other's values and preferences.

Paper plane contest

Each team member crafts their own paper aeroplane masterpiece during this playful activity. Then, it's time to put those creations to the test in a series of friendly competitions:

  • Distance: Whose plane will soar the farthest?
  • Flight duration: Which plane will stay airborne the longest?
  • Creative design: Whose plane is the most unique and eye-catching?

This hands-on activity encourages teamwork, problem-solving and a bit of healthy competition – all while tapping into everyone's creativity.



Make team bonding a habit

Incorporating these quick team bonding activities into your regular routine can really make a difference in how your team works together and feels about their work. By making these exercises a regular thing, you're showing your team that their connection to each other is important and won't get lost in the day-to-day hustle.

Be consistent

Choosing a set time for a bonding activity each week helps build anticipation and create a sense of routine. This consistency makes everyone feel more comfortable and open, leading to deeper connections over time.

Make bonding a regular part of your schedule

Instead of adding extra meetings to packed schedules, see how these short activities can easily become part of your existing work rhythm. Imagine using the first few minutes of a meeting for a quick, engaging activity. It sets a new tone and brings a fresh energy that can actually get those creative juices flowing.

Keep it fresh

To keep everyone interested, mix things up and introduce new activities from time to time. Your team will be curious about what's next and eager to participate.

Get feedback

It's good to check in on how these activities are working every now and then. Ask your team for their honest thoughts to see how the activities are affecting team spirit and relationships. This helps you figure out what's working best and tailor the activities to your team's specific needs.

Lead by example 

When team leaders jump in and show genuine enthusiasm for these bonding exercises, it shows everyone they're worthwhile and encourages everyone to get on board. When team members see their leaders actively supporting a positive team environment, it sends a strong message about the importance of working together and respecting each other.

Wrapping up

By making team bonding a regular and enjoyable part of your team's routine, you're building a foundation for a workplace that's more collaborative and trusting. This approach ensures that team bonding exercises are more than just a quick fix – they become an integral part of your company culture.