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4 must-have features of a sustainable travel policy

Written by Conor Duffy | 25-Jul-2024 09:57:25

As the world grapples with the urgent threat of climate change, businesses are facing growing scrutiny over their carbon footprint – and the way their employees travel is a huge part of that. And the pressure isn't only coming from environmental activists. Employees themselves are increasingly demanding eco-conscious options. Governments, too, are tightening regulations around carbon emissions, so there really is only one way forward. 

Companies are left with the complex challenge of maintaining essential business travel while minimising their environmental impact and complying with new rules. With this in mind, we’ve put together four essential features to make your travel policy truly sustainable. 

We’ll also take a look at how one company has totally greenified its business travel in a bid to slash its greenhouse gas emissions in half.


What is a sustainable travel policy?

A sustainable travel policy is all about weaving environmental considerations into the fabric of how your company travels. It's a holistic approach, covering everything from the mode of transport to the hotel you choose. It's about making sure every step of your journey aligns with your company's commitment to protecting our cherished planet.

Why should your company care about this? Well, it's not just the right thing to do – it's a smart business move, too. A strong sustainability policy shows you're serious about doing your part to combat climate change, which is a growing concern for consumers and employees alike.

Here's how a well-thought-out sustainable travel policy can make a real difference:

Lightens your footprint: By choosing greener travel options like train travel or direct flights, you can significantly cut down on your company's carbon emissions.

Makes you a pioneer in your industry: As governments worldwide crack down on carbon emissions, having a solid sustainable travel policy keeps your company compliant and avoids potential penalties.

Boosts your brand and your team's spirits: Embracing eco-friendly practices improves your company's reputation and raises employee morale by showing that your values align with theirs.


Key features of a sustainable travel policy

Crafting a truly sustainable travel policy is about incorporating sustainability into every decision your company makes regarding travel. 

Here are four must-have features that can transform your travel program into a force for good:

1. Encouraging greener travel choices

Take the train or bus: Asking employees to use public transport, rather than driving or private taxis, is a great way to cut down on emissions.

Choose electric: If a car is a must, try and go for electric or hybrid options.

Share the ride: Another way to mitigate the impacts of driving, carpooling is a fun way to connect with colleagues and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

Fly less, fly direct: When air travel is unavoidable, opt for direct flights and airlines with strong sustainability commitments.

Stay green: Look for accommodation with eco-certifications and sustainable practices.


2.  Greenify your insurance

Offering company travel insurance that covers eco-friendly transport is important. Why? Because it gives your employees peace of mind knowing they're protected no matter how they choose to travel, which can make them a lot more likely to go green.

For example, if an employee cycles to a meeting instead of taking a taxi, you need to make sure they're covered in case of an accident. The same goes for carpooling or using an electric vehicle. Your green travel insurance should extend to these situations, covering any mishaps along the way.

This approach encourages eco-friendly travel while demonstrating your commitment to sustainability and your employees' well-being.


3.  Stay ahead of the eco curve with regular check-ins

Making your business travel more sustainable is an ongoing process of improvement and adaptation. Regularly updating your travel policy keeps it relevant and improves its ability to reduce your company's environmental footprint.

Here's how you can keep your policy up to par:

Annual check-ups

Once a year, take a deep dive into how your travel policy is performing and dig into the data. Look at things like how much you've cut your carbon emissions, if more employees are choosing greener travel options and how your partnerships with eco-friendly vendors are working out. Use this information to pinpoint areas where you can make your policy even stronger and keep it in line with the latest environmental standards.

Stay in the know

Keep up with the latest advancements, such as electric vehicles and green aviation initiatives. This will help you incorporate these innovations into your policy as they become available.

Listen to your team 

Your employees are the ones using this policy on a regular basis, so their feedback is invaluable. Have regular chats with frequent travellers to find out what's working and what's not. Check if the eco-friendly hotels meet their expectations or ask if there are any pain points around using public transportation. This feedback can help you fine-tune your policy, making it easier to use and more effective at promoting sustainable choices.


4.  Make sustainable travel fun and rewarding

Everyone loves a little recognition or reward, so why not incorporate incentives into your policy to get your employees excited about sustainable travel?

Shout-outs and kudos: Recognise employees who consistently choose greener travel options.

Bonuses and perks: Offer financial incentives or travel upgrades for low-carbon travel.

Extra time off: Give employees who consistently meet sustainability goals some extra annual leave.

By taking these steps, you reduce your impact on the planet and foster a culture of responsibility and innovation within your workforce. To jumpstart your company's sustainable practices, consider using an environmental policy template designed for travel. These can be found on platforms such as the HSBC Business website.


How a sustainable travel policy can transform your business

Adopting a sustainable travel policy is about more than just helping the planet – it's a smart business move with far-reaching benefits. 

It saves money

Sustainable travel doesn't have to mean expensive travel. In fact, it can often be more budget-friendly. Choosing local conferences over those across the globe or taking the train instead of flying domestically can significantly reduce costs. You can also opt for greener accommodation by staying somewhere with energy-efficient lighting and appliances, solar power or water-saving fixtures. Additionally, eco-friendly transport options like electric cars or trains can also lower your carbon footprint.

It builds a better brand

Nowadays, consumers and investors increasingly expect companies to step up and take ownership of their environmental footprint. By showing that you're serious about sustainability, you can make your company stand out from the crowd. This not only attracts customers who share your values but also top talent who want to work for a company that's doing the right thing.

It boosts employee morale 

People want to work for companies whose operations are aligned with their values. By implementing a sustainable travel policy, you show your employees that you care about the environment, which can improve job satisfaction, engagement and loyalty. Happy employees are productive employees, after all!

It keeps you ahead of the game

Environmental regulations are only going to get stricter. Having a proactive sustainable travel policy helps you stay up to date with eco-friendly techniques, avoid costly penalties and protect your company's reputation.

Think of your sustainable travel policy as a ripple in a pond – it starts small but its positive impact spreads throughout your company, reaching your employees, your customers and even your community.


Case study: EY's journey toward sustainable business travel

Ernst & Young (EY) is leading the charge in sustainable corporate travel, earning high praise at the 2023 Business Travel Sustainability Awards Europe. Its commitment to reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 – and slashing absolute emissions by 40% compared to 2019 levels – demonstrates its ambitious sustainability strategy.

To reach these ambitious goals, the accounting firm has made some significant changes to its travel policies:

No more quick trips: EY has done away with one-day business trips to cut back on those frequent, short flights that really add up in terms of emissions.

Train travel takes centre stage: The company encourages employees to hop on a train instead of taking a plane whenever possible. It's a simple switch that can drastically reduce carbon emissions.

Sustainable meetings: EY now plans meetings in locations easily accessible by public transport, and ensures at least half of the meal options are vegetarian (meat production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.)

One of the most exciting things EY has done is develop the EY Sustainable Travel Approval Tool (STAT). It's been rolled out to 41 countries so far and it's making a big difference. This tool streamlines the travel approval process and gives employees clear, user-friendly data on the environmental impact of their travel choices.

Taking a page out of EY's book can help your business comply with tougher environmental rules, boost your company's image and make your employees happier. 

So – which of these changes might be implementable for you?


Wrapping up

Businesses can do their part to protect the planet while improving efficiency and building stronger connections with customers, employees and partners. It's a win for everyone: sustainable travel goes beyond being eco-friendly, it's also a smart way to run a business in today's world.

Companies like EY have proven how a well-designed, sustainable travel policy can truly transform a company. A sustainable travel policy should be a top priority if you're planning for the future. It's more than simply meeting customer expectations or adhering to regulations – it's a crucial step towards building a resilient, innovative business that's prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.