Roomex - Hotel Bookings Made Easy

Maximising Savings: A Comprehensive Analysis of Hotel Booking Efficiency

Written by Conor Duffy | 08-Jul-2024 10:41:09

In the dynamic world of corporate travel, balancing cost efficiency with comfort and compliance is crucial. The Roomex Savings Team specialises in optimising travel expenses for businesses through a combination of data-driven insights and industry expertise. Our approach ensures significant savings while maintaining high standards for accommodations.

Our Methodology

  1. Client Consultation: We start by understanding each client’s unique travel needs.
  2. Data Collection: Comprehensive data on past bookings is gathered for analysis.
  3. Cost-Saving Identification: Advanced analytics help pinpoint savings opportunities.
  4. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: We quantify potential savings and consider client preferences and policies.
  5. Client Presentation: Detailed recommendations are provided to clients.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Our methods evolve with market trends and feedback.

Adhering to this rigorous methodology, ensures that our savings analyses are comprehensive, accurate, and actionable, empowering our clients to make informed decisions that drive tangible cost reductions and enhance overall efficiency in their travel management processes.

Case Studies Across Industries

1. Construction Industry

At a glance:

  • Client Profile: A UK-based construction firm with frequent travel needs.
  • Savings Strategies: Negotiated rates, flexible booking options, and improved booking timing.
  • Results: Estimated annual savings of 18.63%.

Client profile:

This client, a leader in the UK’s construction sector, operates a network of regional offices across the UK providing award-winning rail, plant, and construction solutions. With a workforce frequently travelling for meetings, projects, inspections, and industry events, efficient hotel booking management is critical to their operational success. Their primary objectives include minimising travel costs while ensuring accommodations meet the necessary standards for comfort and convenience for the workforce traveller.

Detailed analysis of previous booking patterns:

Prior to joining the Roomex platform, the majority of the client’s bookings were made through traditional channels, such as direct hotel reservations or third-party booking platforms. Due to the decentralised nature of the booking process, the client could not provide a consolidated view of their historic booking data. As a result, the Savings Team was not able to immediately review and analyse the client’s booking history. In order
to provide the client with a savings analysis, once the client began using the Roomex platform, the Savings Team reviewed the client’s booking data on a monthly basis to conduct the analysis. After a period of three months, the Savings Team was able to provide the client with a comprehensive review of their bookings and future savings potential.

Identification of potential cost-saving opportunities:

Based on our analysis, we estimated that the client could achieve a potential annual saving of 18.63% on their hotel accommodation expenses by leveraging the Roomex platform and the recommendations of the Savings Team. This projection accounts for both direct cost reductions through negotiated rates and indirect savings from improved booking efficiency and policy compliance.


2. Retail Sector

At a glance:

  • Client Profile: An automotive retailer with extensive travel for retail operations.
  • Savings Strategies: Centralised bookings, avoiding additional expenses, and securing negotiated rates.
  • Results: Estimated annual savings of 18.52%.

Client profile:

Our client, a major automotive retailer specialising in comprehensive fleet solutions
and the disruption of the used car market in the UK, operates in a highly competitive and
dynamic industry. With a sizable workforce engaged in various retail operations, including store management, sales, and logistics, the company frequently requires accommodation for its employees during business travel, training sessions, and conferences. As the client had been booking with Roomex for some time, their primary objectives for the savings consultation included reducing travel expenses while ensuring accommodations meet the standards for productivity and comfort conducive to their workforce.

Detailed analysis of previous booking patterns:

As a pre-existing Roomex customer the Savings Team was given immediate access
to the client’s recent booking history. The client was also able to provide records of
accommodation bookings made on other travel platforms. This provided the Savings
Team with a six month booking period they could analyse and utilise to form their advice.

Identification of potential cost-saving opportunities:

Based on the Savings Team’s analysis, we estimated that the client had an annual savings potential of 18.52% on their hotel accommodation expenses by encouraging further adoption of the Roomex platform within the company and implementing the recommended strategies. This projection accounts for both direct cost reductions through negotiated rates and indirect savings from improved booking efficiency and policy compliance.


3. Utility Services

At a glance:

  • Client Profile: A utility services firm with nationwide travel requirements.
  • Savings Strategies: Exclusive rates and optimized weekend bookings.
  • Results: Estimated annual savings of 18.11%.

Client profile:

Our client is a prominent utility services firm providing comprehensive coverage for
numerous utility clients around the UK. With their workforce regularly travelling across the length and breadth of the country for network servicing, one-off construction builds, 24/7 reactive fault services, as well as customer and business connections, confidence in getting the best possible rate for their accommodation bookings is paramount. Their primary objective in seeking this consultation was to reduce travel expenses while ensuring employee compliance and satisfaction.

Detailed analysis of previous booking patterns:

This client was a relatively new customer to Roomex; however, they were able to
provide Roomex with a detailed history of their bookings prior to Roomex, meaning the Savings Team was able to provide them with an immediate analysis. The Savings Team used the booking data over a period of three months to determine the client’s future
savings potential.

Identification of potential cost-saving opportunities:

Based on our analysis, we estimated that the client could achieve annual savings of up to 18.11% on their hotel accommodation expenses by leveraging our the Roomex platform and implementing the recommended compliance-driven strategies. This projection accounts for both direct cost reductions through negotiated rates and indirect savings from implementing the recommended strategies.


Comparative analysis of realised savings

The comparative analysis of cost savings across the construction, retail, and utility services sectors underscores the transformative impact of Roomex's Savings Team in optimising accommodation expenses for diverse industries. Despite the distinct challenges and demands inherent to each sector, Roomex’s personalised solutions consistently delivered substantial savings. The analysis revealed significant potential for cost reduction, with construction clients achieving estimated annual savings of approximately 18.63%. Key strategies included leveraging negotiated rates, flexible booking options, and optimised booking timing. By consolidating bookings and negotiating discounted rates based on high-volume locations, clients secured preferential rates and mitigated additional expenses through flexible cancellation policies. The platform empowered clients to optimise bookings and ensure adherence to travel policies, driving efficiency and cost savings across their operations.

In the retail sector, clients realised an estimated annual savings potential of 18.52% by negotiating discounted rates, avoiding additional expense traps, and centralising bookings. The use of negotiated rates and prioritisation of hotels with flexible cancellation policies helped mitigate expenses and streamline the booking process. Similarly, in the utility services sector, clients potentially achieved annual savings of 18.11% by utilising Roomex’s Exclusive Rates and optimising weekend bookings. Centralising bookings ensured compliance and satisfaction while driving efficiency and cost savings. Overall, the analysis highlights Roomex's platform's versatility, effectiveness, and adaptability in driving significant cost reductions while meeting the varied demands of corporate travel across industries. The common trend of negotiating discounted rates, flexible booking options, and centralised bookings emerged as best practices, ensuring consistency, adherence to travel policies, and access to exclusive rates. Roomex's personalised solutions demonstrated scalability, accommodating unique travel requirements and challenges while delivering tangible cost savings. This analysis reaffirms Roomex's commitment to driving efficiency, savings, and success for clients across diverse sectors.



The findings presented in this whitepaper underscore the transformative impact of the Roomex Savings Team in generating substantial cost savings for businesses across diverse industries. Through in-depth analyses and tailored strategies, we have demonstrated how our team and platform empower clients to optimise their hotel accommodation expenses while ensuring comfort, convenience, and compliance with travel policies.

Across the construction, retail, and utility services sectors, our personalised solutions have consistently delivered significant savings for our clients. By leveraging negotiated rates, flexible booking options, and centralised booking management, businesses have realised annual savings potentials ranging from 12% to 20%. These savings are tangible reductions in expenditure that directly contribute to improved profitability and operational efficiency.

The comparative analysis presented in this whitepaper highlights common trends and best practices across industries, demonstrating the versatility and adaptability of our platform. Whether negotiating exclusive rates, avoiding additional expenses, or optimising booking timing, Roomex's solutions are designed to meet the unique challenges and demands of corporate travel management.

Read the full report to discover how Roomex can transform your company's travel expenses and drive substantial cost savings. Check it out here.