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Train travel for business: everything you need to know

Written by Conor Duffy | 25-Jul-2024 10:45:29

Business train travel is becoming an increasingly popular way for today's professionals to get from A to B. As companies prioritise budget management alongside comfort and convenience, a growing number is opting for rail over road and air travel. If you've ever considered trading in your frequent flyer miles for a railway pass, you're in good company. 

Research carried out in the UK by Trainline, the digital rail platform, revealed that 80% of business travellers considered train travel to be a preferable mode of transportation and 45% believed their employers could do more to encourage the use of rail options. 

Travelling by train can lead to substantial financial savings and offers a unique work environment free from the usual travel distractions. In this article, we’ll cover the numerous benefits of train travel for business and how travel can actually be a productive extension of the working day.


Why business travellers are leaning towards trains

Opting for the train offers a unique combination of convenience, efficiency and benefits for managing group travel effectively. Let's take a closer look at why trains are often the ideal mode of transportation for business trips:


You can maximise your work time

Trains are perfect for staying productive while you're on the move. Unlike driving, where you have to focus on the road, or flying, where space and connectivity can be limited, trains offer comfortable seating with plenty of room for your laptop – and often include free Wi-Fi. 

Providers like Chiltern Railways, LNER and Virgin Trains keep you connected and provide power outlets for your laptop or phone. This allows you to transform travel time into valuable work time as you prepare for upcoming meetings or catch up on tasks.

It’s great for group travel

If you're heading out with a team, using the train simplifies everything. There’s no need to juggle multiple cars or stress over different arrival times. Everyone boards and alights together, giving you all a chance to collaborate or put the finishing touches to presentations during the journey. Additionally, group bookings often lead to extra savings.

You can plan with confidence

Trains usually have reliable schedules (apart from strike days and cases of adverse weather, of course), meaning you can plan meetings and events with precision. You know exactly when you'll arrive and depart, which is crucial for busy schedules and coordinating activities after your arrival, such as dinners or follow-up meetings.

It’s more convenient and often quicker, too

Trains are often faster than driving and less hassle than flying, significantly reducing travel time. Here’s how a trip from London to Newcastle differs with each mode of transport:

- By train: The journey by train typically takes around 3 hours on a direct route via services like LNER, which operate from London King's Cross to Newcastle.

- By car: Driving from London to Newcastle can take about 5 to 6 hours, depending on traffic conditions. 

- By air: A direct flight from London to Newcastle generally takes just over an hour. But when you factor in going through airport security, check-in, boarding and travel to and from the airport, the total travel time can be significantly longer.

More comfort on longer journeys 

For long-distance travel, the comfort of trains often beats sitting behind the wheel. With plenty of room to stretch out and move around, trains provide welcoming comforts for those facing lengthy journeys. 

You can eat or enjoy a coffee in transit, meaning you’re more likely to arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to jump straight into work or attend meetings. 

Plus, many train routes offer scenic views, which provide a much more soothing travel experience than staring at the motorway for miles on end. If you tend to get uncomfortable or anxious on long drives, trains also offer a stress-free alternative. You certainly won't have to worry about traffic jams, poor road conditions or getting lost. 

You’ll reduce your environmental impact 

Choosing train travel aligns with the growing corporate responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. Trains are among the greenest modes of transport, which is particularly important considering the significant impact of business travel on a company's carbon footprint.

You’ll save money 

Train travel can be a more budget-friendly option compared to flying or long-distance car travel. With corporate discounts, such as season tickets or enterprise accounts, companies can enjoy even greater savings on travel expenses.


Planning your business train trip

Getting the most out of train travel for business starts with careful planning. These essential tips will help make your train journeys as easy and productive as possible:

The early bird gets the best seats

Snagging your train tickets in advance often leads to lower prices and a wider selection of seats. Booking early can also offer you more flexibility with your tickets, letting you change your plans without breaking the bank. 

TIP: If you need some peace and quiet, choose a solo seat or one in a quieter carriage. Many online booking systems show the layout of the train, so you can pick the perfect spot before you even get to the station.

Travel in style

For an optimal work setting, consider forking out a bit more on a business class seat. The extra legroom, comfier seats and occasional perks like complimentary food and drink can make a significant difference.

Make use of tech tools

Take advantage of corporate travel management tools and apps like Roomex. They can help you search for train options, handle your itinerary and make sure everything aligns with your company's travel policy.

Stay connected (or not)

While many trains have Wi-Fi, connections can sometimes be spotty. It's always a good idea to download important documents and emails beforehand, just in case you need to work offline.

Pack like a pro

Make sure to bring all your essential gadgets and chargers. And don't forget a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones – they can be a lifesaver when you're trying to focus in a busy environment.


How to stay productive on board

Once you're settled in your seat, it's time to make the most of your travel time. Here's how to stay productive during your train journey:

Set up your workspace

As soon as you find your seat, organise your laptop, documents and other tools to transform it into your mobile office. This will recreate a familiar work setting and help you get into the right mindset for productivity.

Focus on challenging tasks

Train journeys can be less disruptive than the office, making it easier for you to tackle those tasks that require deep concentration. Plan to work on reports, develop strategies or dive into other projects that require your full attention.

Make the most of your offline time

If you’re unable to get a good Wi-Fi connection, use the time to work on tasks that don't require being online. Review documents, draft emails for later or brainstorm new ideas – all these activities can be done effectively offline.

Take breaks and stay refreshed

Just as you would in the office, take short breaks to stretch your legs or grab a drink. Lots of trains have a food service car or offer refreshments, giving you a chance to step away from work for a few minutes. 



Integrating train travel into your corporate travel policy

Incorporating train travel into your company's sustainable travel policy offers a variety of advantages beyond cost savings. It can lead to happier employees and align your business with important sustainability goals. Here's how to make train travel a natural part of your company's travel plans:

Clear expectations

Establish clear guidelines about when and why employees should choose train travel over other options. For shorter distances or trips to city centres, trains often offer a more convenient and eco-friendly way to travel.

Discounts and perks

Many railway companies have special deals for businesses, such as discounts, flexible ticket changes and other benefits. By partnering with a rail provider, you can unlock significant savings and give your employees more flexibility when they travel.

Empower your team

Make sure your employees are clued up on the benefits and how-tos of train travel. Offer regular training sessions or updates to get everyone comfortable with booking, expenses and best practices for travelling by train.

Use the right tools

Take advantage of travel management software that includes train booking options. This technology can help you keep an eye on spending, manage itineraries and make sure everyone follows your travel policy by guiding them to the right booking channels. 

At Roomex, we go a step further by allowing you to see all your upcoming and past train trips alongside hotel bookings. Integrated with Trainline, our centralised system simplifies payments with split ticketing options, provides detailed spending reports and even tracks carbon emissions. This makes it super easy to stay on top of your company's travel goals and policies.


Dealing with train travel hiccups

Like any form of transportation, train travel has its challenges. Here's how to anticipate and handle the most common issues:

Delays, disruptions and cancellations

Always have a backup plan. Before you head to the station, check the train's status and sign up for travel alerts to stay informed. If a delay does occur, make the most of it by catching up on some reading or answering emails. Keep an eye on travel updates and have access to customer service in case you need to adjust your plans quickly. 

Peak-time crowds

Trains can get packed during rush hour, which might make it hard to find a seat or work comfortably. If you can, try to book your travel outside of peak hours or reserve a seat ahead of time to ensure you have the space and quiet you need to be productive.

Safety first

Keep your belongings secure and be aware of your surroundings to prioritise safety. Most trains and stations have strong security measures in place, but it's always a good idea to be vigilant, especially if you're carrying valuable work equipment.


Wrapping up

Train travel offers an appealing corporate travel solution for business trips, combining affordability, convenience and comfort. By embracing train travel as part of your company's policy, you'll boost employee satisfaction, support sustainability efforts and even save money. 

It's a smart, practical choice that aligns with the modern business's focus on efficiency and eco-consciousness. So next time you're planning a business trip, ditch the traffic jams and cramped airline seats – hop on a train instead and turn your commute into a productive adventure!