FPR Q3 2024

We are normally thinking about leisure demand as we try to asses forward pricing across the summer months in UK & I. This year feels like a smorgasbord of competing pressures of varying weights that are likely to have some sort of impact. The UK has a new government which has slowed some government travel and projects. Rail infrastructure projects bumped over into a new 5 year Control Period in the spring. Inflation is cooling, but high costs of living continue.  This mix makes forward visibility difficult. Being now some years away from travel restrictions and post the high inflation of 2023, but still being in the midst of an unresolved cost of living squeeze - powerful pressures on leisure demand and its pressure on price. It’s a much more nuanced picture through Q3 2024. 

This report includes:

  • Price indicators for Q3 of 2024.
  • Impact of the Easter trend reversal.
  • How Autumn market confidence will impact pricing.

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